Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday October 3rd, 2008 4:31 pm

More things move into the room.
There seems to be a redundant amount of Marshall Guitar Heads.
Monday we load the actual recording shit in.


Unknown said...

if you don't need all your marshall heads -> i would definitly take one. would fit with my shitty guitar :D

keep on doing such great music!

Tyler said...

Wow! I wish i had space to practice like this with my band.

Anonymous said...

Wow, So many fucking SG's.
What are the other guitars, just out of curiosity. And can you post a pic. Of Chris's Bass he uses there. Nesides the Sting Signature lol.

Kermit Ty said...

Really great to hear about all your progresses. I would like to ask you to please rally behind S, she really needs help. She is poor, no gas, and nothing, hardly. She I think would be an amazing person to talk to because her story is really inspiring. I would like to ask you to email her
or write to her. She really could use some help. I am dying of cancer, and spinal chord injury. My disease has progressed to a point of no return. I think I have 24. I am making this my last action as an Activist. Please see whaty ou can do
S. Ferrari
250 toftum lane
Colombia Falls, MT 59912
Rock on
Her father sexually abused her, and shattered her life, I have been trying to piece it back together. I am no longer addicted to sex either, and I am completely straight edge. Please help, this is my dying wish. I think you could really champion her life. thanks for all your inspiration. Call 406-481-3128
and 406-880-6834 if you have any questions about my validity as an Activist. It is about the love. She needs it. Please help. Ty

Anonymous said...

Check out
The Same Man
George Orwell and Evelyn Waugh
In Love and War
by David Lebedoff

Just Friends said...

Hahahah Very Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

check Out this.
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