Saturday, August 30, 2008

CROSS COUNTRY FLIGHT::: a photo series

Flying to Seattle:

Crazy things in the SkyMall catalogue:


kendra said...

haha those sky-catalogue things are weird. did you see the stuff for pets? i dont know if its still in there.. i havnt been on a plane in a while. jaded holly is playin at club gravity soon.. ring a bell? haha. wish you guys were back here in pittsburgh to see them play. good luck on your tour! though i doubt you need it

Merri in wonderland said...

I was supposed to go to Bumbershoot for my But I had to work. Sucks. I hope you guys had a good set, and enjoy seattle.

Unknown said...

i love how there's a terrorist-esque ski mask in the skymall catalogue.

Unknown said...

i was flying to seattle around the same time.

and i saw the show! my ticket was my birthday present (17... yeah..!).
i really enjoyed it. though i'm not sure i should of taken an 11 year old girl with me (she's a friend of the family).

taylorscottbuck said...

haha, i love how on the footmat there is only 2 parties. as if all others were wrong and shouldnt exist. not only that it really doesnt matter where you stand on the mat. either side you arent being progressive.(mainly because they are the same thing!) ;)

love ya! definitely no hate!